Food Plan: Did you ever go shopping supplies for 30 days - knowing that for one month you will only eat what is in your basket now? The food plan of an expedition has to be worked out with great care. It has to include a balanced diet that allows for the extreme conditions and at the same time it must cope with your weight and volume limitations. In our case we have to fit 4000 kcal per person and day - weighing no more than 70 kg in total - into the pulks, leaving enough space for all our gear. (That equals just one shopping cart for 2 persons and 35 days.) In addition the preparation of all meals has to be fuel saving. To meet all these requirements the bulk of our supplies will be quality expeditionfood from Trekking-Mahlzeiten. This includes amongst others freeze-dried dishes, Peronin high-tech nutrition, muesli, milk- and egg powder, trekking bicuits, dried beef, PowerBars and Viba energy fruitbars. In addition we use about 30% conventional food like salami, cheese, chocolate, cookies, tea and instant soups. |
For expedition planners and who else is interested we provide our expedition food plan as pdf-download. |